Wednesday, February 14, 2007

hey... my first post.. i'm not very sure about blogs, my previous one expired after one post. well. the main aim of this blog will be to inform whoever interested in my progress in sydney. hence, if you're not interested, don't comment. well. so far life's fine, the school's curriculum is abit different but i'm coping well. today i have a hell alot of homework, mostly form commerce which is equivilant to economics in singapore, sailing has been good with the winds exceeding the average in singapore. i miss singapore food, all they have here is steak, fish and more steak. well now i can drive and i'm looking forward to it.. until next time... sweet dreams... and have a happy valentines day...



Blogger denise said...

hey scott! youre missed by me! haha. okay. have fun there and drive carefully if you are! takecare. happy valentines(:

February 14, 2007 at 8:53 PM  

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