Monday, January 14, 2008

awaiting the start

since i have the time, i might as well post. on the 12th, i went out training with the SIN team, and a few other top sailors including the world top 2, it was a good experience as i realised that every wave, every second in the race counts, starting with them was hard but nonetheless a good experience. after the other sailors went back, the SIN team and i trained more for about 45 minutes in the 10-15 knot wind. it was good prepation for the event as i have not sailed here before and the conditions were unlike anything i have been in.
later, i had dinner with my uncle (he's 21, not really a usual age for an uncle) who i am staying with in melbourne, at a greek restaurant, it was a great dinner one that will probably keep me away from food for the next few hours.

the following day, i left the apartment at 10.30 to catch the 11.00 train to sandringham. since my ticket was a zone 1 not a zone 2, i had to alight at brighton beach station sparking a 4km walk to sandringham yacht club where i had to register. i eventually got there tired from the walk. after registration, giba insisted that liz and i go out training to accustom ourselves for the competition, the wind was 20-25 gusting to 30 and we were 2 of only 4 radials on the water. the waves were huge, at abt 3m high, it swallowed our bows as we ploughed thru the waves. it was good training nonetheless, and reminded me that i needed to work on my fitness. we did nearly 2 hours out on the water before returning to another tiring situation; recovering our boats. since there was only liz and i, we couldn't get one person to hold both boats due to the large wave (even though we were surrounded by a breakwater), eventually, we managed to recover liz's boat after 10 minutes, and once one was done, the other was relatively easy. we then helped the ukrainian sailor who was by himself.
since our boats were dirty from the seaweed the waves brought, we had to wash our boats, unfortunately melbourne is under water restrictions and we are not allowed to hose down our boats, so we washed them with witches hats (the large orange cone u see near road works), after a few trips to the tap, we got our boats cleaned.
dinner was spent with my uncle's friends at their apartment, we had nasi lemak and sticky date pudding. i then returned to my apartment before dosing off.
now today, it was planned that i wake up at 7 to catch the 8 train to brighton but giba called and told me that there was a change in the sailing instructions meaning the radials are starting at 2 instead of 12, which means that i am only leaving here in 2 hours time. sigh i hate waiting.


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