Thursday, February 22, 2007

i hate balls

today was a very bad day, we first had an average math lesson, but that followed with a practical lesson in pass, we had the beep test in which i didnt really get very far, level 7.8, then we played soccer, and everyone who knows me knows that i can't play soccer for NUTS!. nonetheless, i can swear that my team members were cursing whenever i let in a goal, well nobody asked them to put ME goalkeeper!. as soon as class finished i stormed out of the place, we had indoor cricket after lunch and when i was batting, my score was actually negative! well after school was volleyball trng and throughout the game we played i touched the ball twice!... in one set!... consolation that i scored points the both times i touched the ball though.. this actually makes me realise how much i MISS SAILING!... yesterday we had ash wednesday mass which was followed by many average lessons, i miss singapore too... missing you'll always... sincerely the editor..


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