Thursday, August 2, 2007

Harry Potter, Brilliant or Ridiculous?

I've just finished reading the last Harry Potter book last friday and i think its fantastic, the way the plot builds up slowly towards the end was great. however, it was let down by the end, i expected a large fight between harry and voldemort which, in the end turned out to be a short one... plus, it was pretty predictable. i almost cried when i heard that lupin and tonks died... sigh... well... besides that it was probably my favourite book... the last words weren't that great though.. '...all was well.', but i guess j.k. rowling was just trying to end harry potter on a high note..

besides reading harry potter, i had to manage 6 assessment tasks in 2 days, on tuesday, we had 2 english tasks; reading (which i did terrible) and writing (did well, i hope), then we had history oral presentation and math ext test (which i aced), yesterday, we did math 2u and english listening. hence, i am extremely pleased to officialy close my assessment week... raenee's friends are over from singapore this week, the house is slowly getting more crowded, it just reminds me of my friends in singapore... to you all... i miss you...


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