Thursday, August 23, 2007


if the world was perfect, that would be nothing worth living for right?... well... the last week was pretty normal, we had a 'camp' from the 13th to the 15th, it was more spiritual than anything though... since then i haven't drove at all, but i've been playing plenty of table tennis, so watch out ppl... our final exams are coming up soon in 2 weeks and i am so not prepared, we're learning trigonometric differentiation in math, build up to WW1 in history, astrophysics in physics, energy changes in chemistry, islam in religion and poetry in english. this simply means that things have been very busy. in religion, we dont learn anything much, neither do we in history... so that just makes situation worse. but home wise, life has been alrite, i've just joined a gym to get more fit, and i've made alot of friends recently. i've also taken a recent interest in two american sitcoms; life as we know it and what i like about you. so before i go just take a moment to ponder on the question above... comment if u have an answer.


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