Tuesday, February 27, 2007

yay... new phone!

haha... my second ever phone in my lifetime so far... i'm so happy... anyway... the rest of the past two days were pretty boring, besides a firedrill we had today and a horrible monday, nothing special. monday was started with a soccer game!... i being the horrible player let the ball in when it was in the air for 10 seconds!.. i feel useless... anyway, things were pretty norm after that...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

windy and wet

today was very tiring, i took the very expensive and slow ferry to rose bay where i rigged my boat for sailing. the wind today was strong and gusty, with the maximum gust of about 25 knots and the lulls as light as 7 knots... two races today... took the train back, it is only $2, compared to $10.50 for a ferry ride... well back to school tomorrow.. god bless me..

Saturday, February 24, 2007

day 24 on planet x...

today was a disaster!... i got to the club and i realised that all my sailing gear was missing!... worst, the boat i was using is damaged!... then when i tried to call my parents, my phone had not enough credit... turns out that my gear and my sail was all in a storeroom and i had to wait 3 hours for the guy with the keys for the room to arrive. i then took the train back from edgecliff. yesterday was better, first i got selected for the school swimming team (what a surprise). then we had p.e. where we played ultimate vortex... this only cemented my disability to catch or throw a ball. the rest of the day was average. after school my bros and sisters plus me, watched heroes on the computer, we got so addicted we watched till episode 7... thats wal all... well hopefully luck goes my way on day 25...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

i hate balls

today was a very bad day, we first had an average math lesson, but that followed with a practical lesson in pass, we had the beep test in which i didnt really get very far, level 7.8, then we played soccer, and everyone who knows me knows that i can't play soccer for NUTS!. nonetheless, i can swear that my team members were cursing whenever i let in a goal, well nobody asked them to put ME goalkeeper!. as soon as class finished i stormed out of the place, we had indoor cricket after lunch and when i was batting, my score was actually negative! well after school was volleyball trng and throughout the game we played i touched the ball twice!... in one set!... consolation that i scored points the both times i touched the ball though.. this actually makes me realise how much i MISS SAILING!... yesterday we had ash wednesday mass which was followed by many average lessons, i miss singapore too... missing you'll always... sincerely the editor..

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

you win some you lose some

today was quite exciting, we had the swimming carnival and at school there were many ppl that coloured their hair in their respective colours, my house on the other hand were not as enthusiastic. my first event the division 3 50m freestyle, i came in first by 15 seconds... haha... my timing was 33.06 sec... kinda weird though, the fastest i've ever swam before this was a 40... haha... in the division 2 50m backstroke, i came in 1st too with a time of 44.87 sec, in this one i won by abt 8 seconds... i was kinda shocked too as my timing was a medal contender for the 50m freestyle in the championship division. anyway, my effort earnt me a place in the open 4 x 50 freestyle. my house, delaney came in first, and it sealed of a perfect day. however in the last event, the staff v students, the staff team didn't have enough ppl and hence i joined their team, however, unlike the previous three events, we came in third. nonetheless, it was a succesful outing. we then had war cries before finishing off the day. our house came in last with 508 points, o' neill came in first so well done to them. as for me, i am exhausted from the swimming and i'm looking forward to a good long rest tonight, good night.
oh and beforei forget, credit to my relay team:
agostino, greg and jacob..

Monday, February 19, 2007

Pray for Delaney

today is the eve of my swimming carnival, i sure am excited considering its something i'm probably going to do badly at... i've been assigned to division 3 for freestyle and division 2 for backstroke. basically the higher your division, the better the swimmers.. there are 8 divisions for freestyle and 4 divisions for backstroke.. i think... today was good, we had science where we got back our pracs, yay i got all As... haha... then we had math, english, religion and geography before ending with a brief cheering session. i'm in delaney which is the blue house. some of the cheers are pretty awkward like:

how funky is your chicken
how loose is your goose
my goose is very loose

imagine saying that in an interschool... the butcher will chop your head!... well the reason for me doing a long post is the unusual fact that today's homework was well.. VERY LITTLE!... haha i'm overjoyed... until next time... sweet dreams... and pray for DELANEY!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

today felt sooo long... we first went to see our potential future home at breakfast point, it was fantastic, with a view of the sydney harbour bridge, it was spectacular! next my family and i went to sydney olympic park, whoah it was big and it was everything an olympic park should be and more, we went there to get some practice for raenee's and my swimming carnivals that were coming up. at the aquatic center we realised it wasn't just olympic pools but there was like a mini water park, there were two water sides and there was a lazy river too. we spent 2 hours there before returning back to the house. we then saw ugly betty, a show that was broadcasted recently, it was something like devils wears prada. well i guess this post has gotten a little long, just like today... haha... once again gong xi fa cai.. and the next time i come to singapore, hong bao na lai... haha...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

day 4... today was full of highs and lows, we (my family and i) took an afternoon train into the city where we changed at the ever big and confusing central station, we then took a train on platform 24 (where in the world do u find that many platforms in a station?)to bondi junction. At bondi junction we spent a long time trying to find a shop that sells trunks for the swimming carnival.. finally we found a grey speedos at Myers. later we found out that just one floor underneath was a speedo shop!!! (with so many more designs)... sigh... well then we took the train back to meadowbank... on the first train we took to town hall we rushed into a very smelly top cabin, it was to our suprise and disgust that we found a lump of shit on the left hand side of the cabin, thankfully none of us stepped on it.. we changed cabins and continued our ride back to meadowbank. as chinese new year custom i now have a family dinner.. once again GONG XI FA CAI to all..
oh and before i forget...
may your wishes come true as u fulfil a very properous 15th year

Friday, February 16, 2007

day 3... today was quite average, i volunteered in english class for the first time today, i was shaking throughout the presentation though... then things took a change for the worst, first it was p.e. theory instead of prac and i got in a little trouble, then i broke my ruler and during p.a.s.s.(physical activity and sports studies), i let in 10 goals as the goalkeeper...
well its chinese new year this weekend and i hope for better luck
things to look out for:
tuesday: swimming carnival- i'm swimming in backstroke and freestyle, imagine me swimming... confirm get last
wednesday: ash wednesday mass...
3rd and 4th march: regatta at gosford (north of sydney)
11th march: my first volleyball match...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

hey.. today was like any average thursday and like any other thursday, we had three lessons then sport. the lessons were fine and sport was quite fun, we played indoor cricket, not something usually played in singapore but it was good, a teacher then asked me whether i wanted to join the volleyball team, i gave it a try and it was pretty good. i have a swimming carnival on tuesday and i got no trunks. shoot... anyway i really miss singapore food, i want chicken rice!...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

hey... my first post.. i'm not very sure about blogs, my previous one expired after one post. well. the main aim of this blog will be to inform whoever interested in my progress in sydney. hence, if you're not interested, don't comment. well. so far life's fine, the school's curriculum is abit different but i'm coping well. today i have a hell alot of homework, mostly form commerce which is equivilant to economics in singapore, sailing has been good with the winds exceeding the average in singapore. i miss singapore food, all they have here is steak, fish and more steak. well now i can drive and i'm looking forward to it.. until next time... sweet dreams... and have a happy valentines day...
