Thursday, March 8, 2007

today was good and bad... first we had math then pass which we did more fitness test... we first did suicides for warm up and then we did as many sit ups as possible in 1 min, i got 3rd highest in class, getting 53. thanks to mark for all those ab lessons. then we did the stout test, we had to tiptoe on one leg and balnce whilst placing our hands on our hips and placing our other leg behind the dominant leg. i got 16 seconds which was the average, then we did standing broad jump, i jumped 211cm... not my best effort. after recess we had history in which we were learning abt communism threat in aus. i got called to the office then where they took my photo to do an article abt my win in gosford... yes, thank you, thank you. haha. we then had sport which wasn't good at all, before ending the day with volleyball trng. tomorrow shld be fun, we are going to play table tennis for p.a.s.s. and we are going to get back our test papers for english and science, pray for me please!.. well i'm going to put in some pictures of gosford...


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